Thursday, January 20, 2011

I hate facebook

I am over it. If it were not necessary for me to keep in touch with people here, and the few I want to talk to back home, I would deactivate my account in an instant. I have said before how much displeasure I feel with it, especially now since everyone has one. I do not have facebook to talk to my family. I have no intentions of using as such, I had few family members added, like my sister and brother, two cousins and an uncle from across the country. When I post things on facebook, they are then open for all to comment on, but they are my thoughts, things in my head. I hate when people send me long messages on facebook, criticizing how I am. I am the way that I am. I do not change myself, nor do I live to please other people. I help people who need it, but I have no intention of changing my relations with anyone. I enjoy keeping myself at a distance from other people. I am not close to family, I have never been and I do not plan to be. So, stop. You are no better than me.


My mood definitely improved last night! I went to the gym, thats about all I did yesterday, then I came home, took a shower...and tried to get to my other house. The worker is staying there at night to take care of things, but she had not arrived yet. Then Wagninho came over and we walked and waited and stuff. I picked some things up from the other house. Family members of this house came over for fish and football I guess...I had no intention of staying for that....sorry.
We went out walking some more, saw a friend and then went to the potato restaurant. SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOD! I ordered the same that I had last time (not like I had much of an option) but it was so much better this time. This time, there was no tray of french fries and chicken hearts in front of my face, so no crying, and an actual appetite. YES. In case you have no idea what I mean, in my city there is a restaurant, best known for their giant baked potatoes covered in stuff. I get one that is made with cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, corn, something else, raisins and it has a creme de leite sauce on top I think, aaaand it is heaven. I felt SO accomplished last night because I understood EVERY single word said to me (Wagner, he does not speak a WORD of english, I'm sorry, other than "BEAUTIFUL GIRL" ha) Since two of my other friends (that speak English) are out of town this week, the only good friend here I've seen is him. I understood everything and can honestly talk back sometimes, but I give up a lot like "I DONT WANT TO TALK ANYMORE" I always say that. I get frustrated.

I am dying for someone to skype me. My family comes back from the cruise Sunday night. I have three more days of waiting for someone to call me up....then no webcam for probably a few more months.

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