Saturday, January 22, 2011

Boys are stupid.

But that is unrelated. birthday was amazing. Considering that for the mother's idea of a party for me was inviting over her friends, to eat a dinner, with lots and lots of meat. It was originally a combined party for my sister and I....then one day it decided to change. We had the party annually...On Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It turned into a dinner. For no reason. That I was forced to stay at.

Two years ago, for my 16th birthday, my boyfriend at the time threw me an AMAZING party. I had a mix of both my friends and his. Decorations were pink and silver...the food was ALL vegan...It blew me away. I am still amazed he did that for me! So great. This year, I had a party, and went to dinner...all that jazz...and I celebrated til 5:30 AM. Way to be, way to be. But celebrating comes at costs. Damn it.

It began as a usual, nonproductive morning. I woke up too late to eat breakfast, so I sat around until lunch. My parents here bought me a shirt, it's very cute ( I know I had posted this already) and we had some good food. After that, I sat around some more. I called my mother at work so she could sing to me. HAH YES, SERIOUSLY. She got all blubbery after she sang "Happy Birthday" in her odd way, at work, working the front desk....with people watching. I went to my friend's house after that. I spent time with her, her brother and their cousin, all friends of mine. Mostly, we were around the house, then I got up, determined to go to the gym, and they made me sit and drink a (radioactive-piss looking) soda and eat a chocolate pastei (pronounced pastel) which is basically a hand held pie...that is fried. SO BAD I DO NOT EAT LIKE THAT (they are common here) but it was delicious. They tried to trick me into staying out until I had to go to dinner, but I anticipated eating a whoooole lot more that night, so to the gym I went.

I got birthday wishes from the crazy trainer, as well as others I know there. I like the gym here because it's small and I go at the same time every day so I see a lot of the same people. I rushed through my workout and did my usual in half the time...not good for me but needed for timing. I went back home, showered, and went to dinner with another friend of mine. Her grandmother, grandfather and sister ordered a pizza that we are. It was sectioned had my name on it...and the crust was filled with chocolate. What more could I ever want? hahahaha.

After dinner my other friends and I got together for a small party. We had a DELICIOUS party hats...some other was great. I had so much fun and my only regret is taking a total of 30 pictures that night....

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