Saturday, January 15, 2011


Not really.

I felt like posting again today. It is my Birthday week....when do I get to party? hahaha, well I'm mostly kidding. I have never been big on birthdays. I don't understand the significance. Celebrating the day you were born, but there are other things more important than aging another year. I feel weird because in 6 days, I will be 18. The difference has no meaning to me here, but back in New York, I have a full lisence, and can go to jail....and play the lottery....which is stupid. I don't feel like listing the ability to buy tobacco products because that is just stupid and has no nor will ever have any, significance to me. In Brazil, 18 is the drinking age. Though, they joke, "when you're tall enough to reach the bar, you're old enough to order." I love the relaxed lifestyle here.

Not about drinking, but about life. My last year in New York...I was STRESSED. All the time. I was always busy with school or work. I lost touch with friends and did not take very good care of myself. Here, I have learned to relax again, and just go with what every day brings. Granted, life is COMPLETELY different in Brazil than it is in New York. Sometimes I forget where I am actually from.

I was reading through the blog of an ex-exchanger just now...that is what prompted this random post. She was in Brazil last year and seemed to have difficulty fathoming the idea of living without Brazil....or her home. I am the kind of person, no matter where I am, I feel out of place. Here, as completely out of place as I am...I am happy. I get frustrated to tears sometimes, but can always seem to laugh it off. I have no idea what going home will be like. I just know that in New York...I was miserable. I have no desire to go back to what I have always known. That's not like me. I like change, need excitement and always need a challenge.

More later.

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