Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Moving along...

I move today! I am sad about it though.

This family I have not been with for very long. I had issues getting to know them at first, because my ridiculous culture shock made living impossible. I would not speak or eat or even try. They saw me at my worst. The first family, I think, may have it the hardest. They are very busy people too. They own the store, so both of my parents work there all day, come home for lunch, and usually go back. I was home with the girls, when they did stay home, most of the time...and we did not talk much either. But I loved it here. I don't think they know that. I am actually pretty shy here, which was unlike me back home. When I do not know someone, I get very quiet (my friends notice his hahah). It takes me a while to warm up, but I grew used to things in this home, and just as I am...I leave :(

My family has to go to Curitiba for some things this month and next to it makes is sad...but I move 3 or 4 blocks away. I have a sister my age. And I move into a house! I feel like being in a house is easier for me, but I'm used to living in a building already! Everyone is within a short distance though, so I worry little. My next mother though, she speaks SO fast. And they understand NO English, at all. I've talked to her a lot, but I get VERY frustrated. She talks too fast. Ugh. They also seem more social than this family. I am less than so.

Last night I went bowling with a few friends. I still suck.

An update...

I just had the LONELIEST meal of my life. I swear. My father and sisters and dog are in Curitiba I think. My mother at the store...

I've been home packing all morning, and the helper called me to lunch. I sat at the island counter by myself eating my beans and rice and pasta. I can't tell you how badly I wanted to cry. In honesty. Back in New York, I do not eat with people. I feel weird eating in front of other people, and I rarely eat square meals anyway...I just snack all the time.
Naturally, when I came here, eating family lunch and late night dinners was odd to me. This was my first meal alone in so long. I don't like that feeling.

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