First of all, I went to the Amazon just after my last post. I did some AMAZING things there. I spent two weeks there, five days in hotels and five on a boat in the river....can you imagine?! I couldn't either. I met so many amazing people and did some things a majority of the world can never say. I slept in a hammock on the boat, went piranha fishing, held a SLOTH from the wild, swam with botos (river dolphins) and I even took a jungle survival course :)
I think it's hilarious. As much as I support preserving our planet and nature, I don't even like camping. I am not a city person, but I don't belong in nature either. I forgot this until I arrived there, swarmed with heat, bugs and a whole hell of a lot of water. All in all though, it was a once in a lifetime trip. Not that I CAN'T do it again, I just doubt I would go through with it again! It wasn't just a vacation, it was actually challenging.
Speaking of challenges...for two or three days almost EVERYONE on the trip got super sick. Some stomach virus that was going around. That was very unpleasant. I thought I was going to die, really. Imagine: You are on a tour bus, and one by one, the exchangers drop like flies, running to the bathroom, grabbing bags, etc....SO FUN. But I didn't let myself miss a day, no matter how keeling over ill and dehydrated I was. Smart, no. But necessary. Others took medication and went to the hospital, I refused. Stubborn, Amy. I know.
Life has been pretty good since then. I just get frustrated at the harassment there. It's nothing SERIOUS, just annoying. I can't walk down the street or go to school without people being stupid. I wont get into that, it's not important. No matter how bad of a day I have here, it is never actually a bad day. I love my life here more than I have ever. I never want to leave, I love this country so much. The only thing that keeps me going day to day knowing I leave here so soon, is that I will return. I know I could live in Brasil one day and be happy. From what I have seen this year, happier than I have ever been in New York. There is something about it here...I can't put my finger on it.
I go back to NY so soon, it makes me ill actually to think about. It is too soon. I have a sick stomach when I think about it. I go back and have almost no friends. I have my best friends back there, but as I have had almost a year apart, so have they. What if we changed? I have a few friends here that I hope never to lose touch with. I love them so much. They know who they are.
Counting down...
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