Monday, February 7, 2011

Back to school!

Today was the first day back in school for the new year. Here the year is spread out differently, as you may have noticed. Summer vacation came to a close yesterday, and as depressing as that is also not at all. School here is not horrible. It's pretty short, all things considering. The classes seem to be intense, and now it sucks because I actually understand things. I think my sleeping during class days may be over...damn.

A bunch of my classmates are not in my class anymore. There is also handful (actually, more than half of my class is made ) of new students. Most, if not all, just transferred from other schools in the city. It was cool because I was new to them today, most of my school is used to me by now, if not sick of me hahaha.

All in all, not a bad start. There was cake. I did not sleep a wink last night, regardless of heading to bed early. I laid in bed all night, and simply rolled out ay 6:30. That hasn't happened in forever. Also, the head of the school told me I need to start wearing the uniform. Luckily, for the grade I am in, the uniform consists of a heinous t-shirt.


Update. I wrote that last part earlier. I had finished writing and posted that just as I was walking out the door to buy my heinous uniform t-shirts. I must say, heinous does not quite describe the awful feelings I have for these shirts. Whoever designed this hates children.

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